- Quality Systems
Our certifications and recognitions
- Quality Systems
Our certifications and recognitions

NTC-ISO 9001:2015
NTC-ISO 45001: 2018
NTC – ISO 14001:2015
NTC-ISO 9001:2015
Certification of the integral management system granted by the quality assurance that guarantees to satisfy the needs of the clients, complying with the related standards, traceability, added value and the applicable legal requirements and other requirements that Almacafé subscribes for the provision of services. following services:
– Specialized coffee services
– Comprehensive logistics operation services
– Foreign trade services
– Complementary services
NTC-ISO 45001: 2018
Certification of the Comprehensive Management System granted for the management of hazards related to health and safety at work, seeking tolerable levels for Almacafé, which are expressed in trends of reduction in the frequency and severity of accidents and occupational diseases of the collaborators and contractors, in the provision of the following services:
– Specialized coffee services
– Comprehensive logistics operation services
– Foreign trade services
– Complementary services
NTC – ISO 14001:2015
Certification of the Comprehensive Management System granted by the environmental management carried out by Almacafé to prevent pollution, mitigating the environmental impacts from our activities, products and services, making responsible use of the resources used in the processes, with scope to the main office and logistics centers, for the following services:
– Specialized coffee services
– Comprehensive logistics operation services
– Foreign trade services (Medellín and Bogotá)
– Complementary services

The J.M. Smucker Company
Recognition for the incorporation of controls that contribute to the safety of the products that Almacafé manufactures, related to good manufacturing practices in the handling of coffee and the implementation of preventive controls for the hazards identified, within the framework of the Modernization Law of Food Safety (FSMA).

Business Alliance For Secure
Commerce – BASC
Certification granted to Almacafé for the control and security management that prevents the international supply chains related to the services provided by Almacafé from being used to carry out illicit activities such as money laundering, smuggling, drug trafficking or drug trafficking. narcotics processing, terrorism or its financing, arms trafficking and any other situation that may put your reputation or that of your stakeholders at risk

Sustainability Seal
Almacafé’s sustainability seal in the Evolution category is a recognition granted by Icontec for the incorporation of sustainable practices in organizational management, which include aspects such as strategic management, economy-ethics, society, environment and the level of integration with the objectives of sustainable development.

Certification Chain of Custody Organic Coffees
Certification granted to Almacafé for ensuring the organic integrity and traceability of organic coffee, in its reception, storage, threshing, roasting and distribution operations. It has scope to the following organic standards:
- European Union (EU 889-834)
- Japan (JAS)
- United States (USDA NOP)
- Korea (EFAPA and FIPA)
- National (Resolution 0187/06 and 199/16)

Chain Certification
Rainforest Alliance
Certification under the Rainforest Alliance program for the scope of the chain of custody, granted to Almacafé for demonstrating Almacafe’s commitment to the monitoring and management of coffee from certified farms in the logistics operation that we carry out. This certification protects the credibility of the Rainforest Alliance Certified™ seal, which marks the product as one that has been produced under the principles of sustainability.

The non-discrimination seal
The non-discrimination seal is a recognition of Icontec under the guidelines of the Ministry of the Interior, awarded to companies that have adopted practices to prevent and eliminate any type and form of discrimination directly and indirectly, for reasons of ethnicity, color, national origin , family or social, language, religion, language, political opinion, philosophical, including affiliation to a political party or movement, economic position, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, health status, disability, physical appearance or any other condition or social situation.

Authorized Economic Operator
Authorization granted by the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN) to ALMACAFÉ as a Customs Agent User in the Security and Facilitation category, validating compliance with the requirements within the framework of current regulations in its international supply chain.

In General Warehouses of Deposit of Coffee S.A. – ALMACAFÉ, we have ONAC accreditation, in force to date, with accreditation code 19-LAC-019 under the ISO 17025: 2017 standard.” The specific scope related to equipment calibrations can be consulted in the Accredited Directory section of the website of the National Accreditation Body (ONAC).

In Almacenes Generales de Depósito de Café S.A. – ALMACAFÉ, we have ONAC accreditation, in force to date, with accreditation code 19-LAB-024, under the ISO 17025: 2017 standard.” The specific scope related to the Trials can be consulted in the Accredited Directory section of the website of the National Accreditation Body (ONAC).

NTC-ISO 9001:2015
NTC-ISO 45001: 2018
NTC – ISO 14001:2015
NTC-ISO 9001:2015
Certification of the integral management system granted by the quality assurance that guarantees to satisfy the needs of the clients, complying with the related standards, traceability, added value and the applicable legal requirements and other requirements that Almacafé subscribes for the provision of services. following services:
– Specialized coffee services
– Comprehensive logistics operation services
– Foreign trade services
– Complementary services
NTC-ISO 45001: 2018
Certification of the Comprehensive Management System granted for the management of hazards related to health and safety at work, seeking tolerable levels for Almacafé, which are expressed in trends of reduction in the frequency and severity of accidents and occupational diseases of the collaborators and contractors, in the provision of the following services:
– Specialized coffee services
– Comprehensive logistics operation services
– Foreign trade services
– Complementary services
NTC – ISO 14001:2015
Certification of the Comprehensive Management System granted by the environmental management carried out by Almacafé to prevent pollution, mitigating the environmental impacts from our activities, products and services, making responsible use of the resources used in the processes, with scope to the main office and logistics centers, for the following services:
– Specialized coffee services
– Comprehensive logistics operation services
– Foreign trade services (Medellín and Bogotá)
– Complementary services

The J.M. Smucker Company
Recognition for the incorporation of controls that contribute to the safety of the products that Almacafé manufactures, related to good manufacturing practices in the handling of coffee and the implementation of preventive controls for the hazards identified, within the framework of the Modernization Law of Food Safety (FSMA).

Business Alliance For Secure
Commerce – BASC
Certification granted to Almacafé for the control and security management that prevents the international supply chains related to the services provided by Almacafé from being used to carry out illicit activities such as money laundering, smuggling, drug trafficking or drug trafficking. narcotics processing, terrorism or its financing, arms trafficking and any other situation that may put your reputation or that of your stakeholders at risk

Sustainability Seal
Almacafé’s sustainability seal in the Evolution category is a recognition granted by Icontec for the incorporation of sustainable practices in organizational management, which include aspects such as strategic management, economy-ethics, society, environment and the level of integration with the objectives of sustainable development.

Certification Chain of Custody Organic Coffees
Certification granted to Almacafé for ensuring the organic integrity and traceability of organic coffee, in its reception, storage, threshing, roasting and distribution operations. It has scope to the following organic standards:
- European Union (EU 889-834)
- Japan (JAS)
- United States (USDA NOP)
- Korea (EFAPA and FIPA)
- National (Resolution 0187/06 and 199/16)

Chain Certification
Rainforest Alliance
Certification under the Rainforest Alliance program for the scope of the chain of custody, granted to Almacafé for demonstrating Almacafe’s commitment to the monitoring and management of coffee from certified farms in the logistics operation that we carry out. This certification protects the credibility of the Rainforest Alliance Certified™ seal, which marks the product as one that has been produced under the principles of sustainability.

The non-discrimination seal
The non-discrimination seal is a recognition of Icontec under the guidelines of the Ministry of the Interior, awarded to companies that have adopted practices to prevent and eliminate any type and form of discrimination directly and indirectly, for reasons of ethnicity, color, national origin , family or social, language, religion, language, political opinion, philosophical, including affiliation to a political party or movement, economic position, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, health status, disability, physical appearance or any other condition or social situation.

Authorized Economic Operator
Authorization granted by the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN) to ALMACAFÉ as a Customs Agent User in the Security and Facilitation category, validating compliance with the requirements within the framework of current regulations in its international supply chain.

In General Warehouses of Deposit of Coffee S.A. – ALMACAFÉ, we have ONAC accreditation, in force to date, with accreditation code 19-LAC-019 under the ISO 17025: 2017 standard.” The specific scope related to equipment calibrations can be consulted in the Accredited Directory section of the website of the National Accreditation Body (ONAC).

In Almacenes Generales de Depósito de Café S.A. – ALMACAFÉ, we have ONAC accreditation, in force to date, with accreditation code 19-LAB-024, under the ISO 17025: 2017 standard.” The specific scope related to the Trials can be consulted in the Accredited Directory section of the website of the National Accreditation Body (ONAC).